Afghanistan is a country located in South Asia, connecting this region with Central Asia and bordering countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China. Since the Soviet invasion in 1979, the country has witnessed invasions, civil war, terrorism and conflict. In this process, the United States of America (USA) and its allies invaded Afghanistan under the “Preventive Intervention Doctrine” following the attacks of September 11, 2001. In the second Taliban period, which began after the US and its allies withdrew on August 31, 2021, policies aimed at isolating Afghanistan are being implemented.
In this environment, China’s Belt and Road Initiative offers critical opportunities for Afghanistan’s economic development and infrastructure. Moreover, Afghanistan stands out as a strategically important actor in this initiative.
As is well known, in terms of energy resources and economic cooperation, Afghanistan is close to the rich natural gas and oil deposits of Central Asia. It is also a country with potential riches in minerals such as coal, iron, copper, gold and lithium. As a major energy consumer, China is keen to capitalize on Afghanistan’s potential. In this respect, the Belt and Road Initiative can facilitate the construction of infrastructure links to facilitate the transportation of these energy resources to China. This could encourage the country’s participation in the regional and global economy.
Afghanistan has long been struggling with civil war and security challenges and thus faces regional instability and security challenges. China, on the other hand, sees the stabilization of Afghanistan as crucial for its own security. Through regional economic integration and cooperation, the Belt and Road Initiative can play an important role in ensuring peace and security in Afghanistan. This is because the initiative could create infrastructure links to facilitate Afghanistan’s border trade with its neighbors.
The Belt and Road Initiative can make Afghanistan part of the transportation network between Central Asia, China and other regions through transportation and logistics infrastructure projects such as new railway lines, highways and ports. Through this, Afghanistan can increase its economic integration and trade potential. This could open the door to Afghanistan’s easier access to global supply chains.
All in all, the Belt and Road Initiative offers potential benefits for Afghanistan in areas such as infrastructure development, energy resource utilization, regional stability and economic integration. It can be argued that this initiative is critical for Afghanistan’s economic development and inclusion in regional cooperation, and thus for ending instability in the country. Therefore, it is foreseeable that developments regarding Afghanistan’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative will gain momentum in the coming period.